RMG CBD strain, feminized seeds guarantee growers all female plants with very high CBD while maintaining very low THC levels. If you want to grow your CBD crop from seed for maximum yields and vigor, feminized seeds are the only way to guarantee consistent CBD to THC levels as well as all female plants. The RMG CBD strain was carefully selected from a several year long breeding project. Enlisting mono gas chromatography to ensure that the beautiful plants chose were always consistently high with CBD while very low in THC. RMG CBD grown from feminized seed commonly tests in the 14-17% CBD level Indoors. Plants finish in 7 to 8 weeks with very solid buds and great yields. These plants will make rec growers jealous with the level of resin capped trichomes they exhibit all over the buds. However, these are purely medicinal buds, they will not get you high. Makes beautiful golden extracts, the terpene profile is reminiscent of cedar (Delta3Carene).
Flowering: 7-8 weeks indoors, Late September. Outdoors Height: +50-75%. Yield: Excellent Buds: Solid, firm and compact. Very resinous and sticky. Aroma: Very “woodsy” like Cedar. Effect: No intoxication, relaxing; excellent for alleviating a wide variety of maladies.
3 reviews for RMG CBD Feminized Seeds